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Bredenbury Community Complex Training Room - $1,000 for a smart TV
Churchbridge Aquatic Center - $5,000 for a new vacuum
Langenburg Business Association - $800 to replace the main street bulletin board
Churchbridge in Bloom - $1,200 for planters for the campground entrance
Langenburg Community Development Committee - $1,500 for teers and shrubs for the rest stop and walking trail
Churchbridge Minor Sports - $3,000 to repair the canteen exterior at the ball diamonds
Langenburg Curling Rink Board - $1,500 to repair a wall in the curling rink
Bredenbury Community Daycare - $1,500 for sensory items
Langenburg Senior Warriors - $4,000 for helmets
Langenburg Arena - $570.50 for emergency lights and a new kitched cupboard
Langenburg Summer Dayz Program - $620.00 to purchase sporting equipment and craft supplies
Little Poppets Nursery School - $750 for classroom materials
Town of Churchbridge $850 for a grille